Prayer Controversy in the Coles County Board Meetings
Members of the Charleston Community asked the Coles County Board to have a moment of silence instead of an open, sectarian prayer. This change in protocol was requested in order to accommodate people of all faiths and beliefs, and to be inclusive, not divisive; a moment of silence allows everyone to reflect or pray regardless of their background or beliefs.
Ralph Martire on Illinois Taxes, Pensions, Debt and Education
On Feb., 2019, Ralph Martire, Director of the bi-partisan Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, addressed taxes, pensions, debt and education in Illinois.
"Families Belong Together" Rally in Champaign, Illinois
Highlights of the rally on June 30th in Champaign, Illinois for keeping families at the border together.
Charleston High School March For Our Lives Walkout
On April 20th, 2018, led by CHS Junior Kate Shanks, students from Charleston High School in Charleston, Illinois held a walkout to draw attention to the issue of gun violence in our schools and promote the passage of sensible gun control measures.